BJW vs Chikara Pro DVD Japan DVD-R Big Japan Pro Wrestling
There are now 2 BJW official release DVD-Rs which showcase the battles between Chikara Pro and Big Japan Pro Wrestling in Japan and America. These are available at BJW's international store: Big Japan Shop http://www.bigjapanshop.com/
This is the Japan Chikara - BJW event...
Chikara Pro vs BJW DVD-R Big Japan Pro Wrestling Chikara Puroresu Japan Tour in Tokyo All Night Event - June 13, 2009 – Shin Kiba 1st Ring – Tokyo, Japan
DVD-R Contents: Opening Match Atsushi Ohashi vs Benkei Daikokubo
2nd Match UltraMantis Black & Crossbones vs Shadow WX & Yuichi Taniguchi
3rd Match Chuck Taylor vs Daisuke Sekimoto
4th Match Shane Matthews & Jagged vs Yoshihito Sasaki & Ryuichi Kawakami
Semifinal Match Michael Nakasawa & Tigre Rojo vs Takashi Sasaki & Shinobu
Main Event Fire Ant & Soldier Ant & Green Ant vs Kokutenshi Jaki Numazawa & Shinya Ishikawa & Yuji Okabayashi
Bonus Track! Yokohama Pro Wrestling – Tokyo Event

and this is the America Chikara vs BJW event...
Big Japan Pro Wrestling took on Chikara Puroresu in the USA in October 2008. This official BJW release DVD-R (not this is not a DVD but a DVD-R) has the rare footage of the two monumental joint events held October 18 & 19, 2008 in the USA. See what happens when BJW warriors invade the USA.
Team CHIKARA: Captain Mike Quackenbush, Claudio Castagnoli, Eddie Kingston, The Colony (Soldier, Worker & Fire Ant), Hallowicked, UltraMantis Black, Brodie Lee, Amasis, Ophidian, Gran Akuma & Ultimo Breakfast
Team BJW: Captain Ryuji Ito, Jaki Numazawa, Daisuke Sekimoto, Katsumasa Inoue, Atsushi Ohashi, Shinya Ishikawa & Yuji Okabayashi
The Global Gauntlet, Night 1 10.18.2008 Palmer Community Center 4100 Green Pond Road Easton, PA
La Lotería Letal Tournament Final! Best of Five Series
The Global Gauntlet, Night 2 10.19.2008 New Alhambra (Former ECW Arena) 7 W. Ritner Street South Philadelphia, PA
Main Event: 7-on-7 Gauntlet!